Complementary Feeding

Complementary Feeding  FAQs that guide you how to support your babys need for energy and nutrients when they start to exceed what is provided by breast milk.

How to change food consistency and type for a growing child?


At 6 months of age, start with pureed, mashed, and semi-solid foods. Most infants can eat “finger foods” around 8 months. Most children can eat the family foods by the end of 1 year. Avoid foods that may be lodged in the windpipe (such as nuts, grapes, and raw carrots) and can result in choking. [...]

How to change food consistency and type for a growing child?2022-05-20T04:32:39+05:30

How to feed and sustain the habit of eating


The child should be fed from a separate bowl and all utensils used shouldbe thoroughly washed Look into the eyes while feeding the child. Be patient, encouraging and loving. Do not force feed Self-feeding must be encouraged early on

How to feed and sustain the habit of eating2022-05-20T04:28:45+05:30

What are the important attributes of foods for complementary feeding?


Prefer the regular family food that is locally available and culturally acceptable rather than cooking special foods. The recent concept of “Baby-led Weaning”, i.e., feed as per baby’s choice shall be practiced. Easily digestible and nourishing food. Taste and palatability of food for the infant. Start feeding with small amounts and gradually increase the quantity [...]

What are the important attributes of foods for complementary feeding?2022-05-20T04:27:51+05:30

What to feed and what to avoid in complementary feeding


To support physical and brain development feed a variety of foods are to be introduced Do not add salt or sugar Non-vegetarian can include egg, fish, chicken etc. Do not feed child junk foods such as chips, packaged juice, biscuits, sweets, or savouries.

What to feed and what to avoid in complementary feeding2022-05-20T04:24:08+05:30

When to start with Complementary Feeding and why it’s critical?


At the six month mark, baby's body and brain is growing rapidly and requires more energy and nutrients than what breast milk alone can provide. This is the right time to introduce complementary feeding. Delay in introduction of complementary foods affects the child’s growth and increases the risk of malnutrition.

When to start with Complementary Feeding and why it’s critical?2022-05-20T04:16:38+05:30

Is exclusively breastfeeding a child after the first four to six months enough?


No. Around the age of 4~6 months, an infant’s need for energy and nutrients starts to exceed what is provided by breast milk, and complementary foods are necessary to meet those needs. An infant of this age is also developmentally ready for other foods.

Is exclusively breastfeeding a child after the first four to six months enough?2022-05-20T04:20:49+05:30

What are staple foods?


Every community has a staple food—the food that forms the main bulk; for example, wheat, rice etc. Staple foods can be cooked, served, and are good sources of energy and protein.

What are staple foods?2024-02-05T15:34:22+05:30
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